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A Leader in Innovative Training and Educational Opportunities

Just 4 Me Consultants is dedicated training and on-going education for professionals in the mental health, counseling, addictions, and adoption fields. We offer custom training seminars in-person and online. Potential training topics are identified below.

Treatment Modality

 Psychoeducational Multifamily Group Treatment (PMGT):  PMGT is a treatment modality for individuals with a mental illness or mood disorder, and for their caregivers . The PMGT training program focuses on improving illness management, coping skills, and overall quality of life.

Intervention and Case Planning

Family Group Conferences (FGC):

FGCs are semi-structured gatherings that recognize the value of extended family support, open up the lines of communication, and allow service providers and families to work together.

Case Notes

S.O.A. P.

S: Subjective or summary statement by the client

O: Objective data or information

A:  Assessment of the situation, the session, and the client

P: Plan for future clinical work

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